Feature Requests & Feedback
Leave a comment here if you want to request a feature or give feedback. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to easyapi1@gmail.com.
EasyAPI is capable of being altered to work with other brokers or multiple brokers at the same time. Leave a message here if you would like this feature.
How does easyapi communicate with TWS without incurring api fees?
When you click "Submit Order", EasyAPI is essentially typing your order into the Rapid Order Entry of TWS, except it does this at lightening quick computer speed. This means that from TWS' viewpoint, your order is treated the same as if you actually typed your order into Rapid Order Entry using your keyboard. Your order is therefore not considered an API order by TWS.
Since it is not considered an API order, you can avoid the additional API fees and you can also keep your system even more secret.
Try out the free trial version and you'll see how it works.
"This means you can keep your trading system even more secret because your trades are not tagged as API orders."
Please explain what, why and how regarding "tagged" API orders for keeping a trading system less/more secret. Thanks!
Part of keeping your system secret is to not allow anyone to know that you have a system in the first place. When you use API orders, your broker knows that they are API orders (which is why the broker is able to attach API fees to your API orders but not your regular orders).
With EasyAPI, your orders are not tagged as an API orders because EasyAPI is essentially typing in the orders into TWS for you as if you were typing it in yourself, except EasyAPI does this at lightening quick computer speed. As far as TWS is concerned, you are just submitting regular orders instead of API orders, so your trades are not tagged as API trades.
When I try to download the trial version, I get a MSFT Visiual Basic error window stating "Application-defined or object defined error"
Try downloading the file again. It should work for you now. Follow these steps.
1) Go to the download page.
2) Refresh the page by clicking on the refresh button in your browser.
3) Click on the download link to download.
Would be cool if you can connect it with Genesis' Laser.
I will keep Genesis Securities in mind and see if there are more requests for integration with their platform. In the meantime, if you are serious, e-mail me and I may be able to customize something for you.
Can easyapi be used to create a time and sales window that stores the entire day's transactions (as long as the are < 65,536).
If so, would it require a lot of memory?
EasyAPI was designed for order execution. However, you can freely integrate third-party add-ons to build data records.
Can MBtrading broker support be added?
I will keep MB Trading in mind and see if there are more requests. In the meantime, if you are serious, e-mail me and I may be able to customize something for you.
Please add Cybertrader to my Wishlist.
Could you kindly integrate it with Ameritrade/AmeritradeIzone. I think it will be useful for lot others. Ameritrade is going to have ~6 million accounts in a few months (i.e., after the merger is officially complete). Thanks.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just took a look at Ameritrade's website and they don't provide an API.
This means there is no way for Excel to grab real time prices and other info from Ameritrade. So even if EasyAPI is modified so that it is capable of submitting orders to Ameritrade, you will not be able to link your formulas to real time prices.
One workaround is to use a different vendor to feed real time prices into Excel, but that would be awkward.
Just wanted to make sure you are aware of this.
I'm using TWS on a macintosh, will your program work on it?
I'm using TWS on a macintosh, will your program work on it?
I am not sure about that. You can try downloading the demo to see if it works.
Could you kindly check if you can integrate it with RML (www.rmltrading.com) trading's Meridian or TSG 1.5 (TradeStreamGlobal 1.5 www.tradestreamglobal.com/data_sites/download.html) platform. [TSG 1.5 definitely has an API using MiniServer] The demo accounts and the passwords are available at RML's website at request.
I will see if there are more requests for integration with this broker.
Hi, when I attempt to submit an order I receive the following msgbox alert "You did not assign a column for type." What should I do?
It means you did not specify which column you want to use for the "Type" setting. This setting is required because you need to specify whether your order is a limit order, market order, or another kind of order.
Can EasiApi send bracket orders in one click for futures
No it cannot do this.
Would there be anyway of showing levell II quotes in excel with easy API?
It will not show Level II quotes.
Using the trial version, I have TWS stand alone (the latest version) running, and when I submit an order to the demo account, I get the message "cannot find your TWS." Any ideas?
This is because of the recent TWS upgrade. Please use the latest version of EasyAPI which has been posted.
Can easyAPI read formulas and submit orders that way? as opposed to simply typing in text manually? For example, if I want to calculate a mov avg from a DDE and if the last price is above the mov avg then submit the order? Can this be done?
It can be done but it will require custom adjustments. When you try to do this in Excel, are issues that you may or may not have considered yet. Please contact me if you want to discuss details.
Does this program work with futures (emini S&P)
It does not work with futures. If you are serious, e-mail me and I can custom build something for you.
Can I use this program to auto trade in futures and forex with, for example, the moving average cross system?
You can do anything that works in Excel and is accepted by the Rapid Order Entry of TWS. I am not sure if TWS Rapid Order Entry accepts currency and futures orders.
I contacted customer service and found that Rapid Order Entry cannot be used with forex or futures. Are there any other options?
If you are serious, e-mail me and I will build something custom for you.
I got a system I want to autotrade with IB. Is this something you can help me with?
If you are serious, e-mail me with a detailed description of what you want to do.
you mentioned in your 6/09/2005 10:51 AM post that "you can freely integrate third-party add-ons to build data records".
Would you know any such data recorders?
I have an excel system. I want excel access and record IB intraday historica data and I want excel execute buy/sell signals.
What $eriousness ranges are you dealing with?
I think I am pretty much speaking for many potential customers. I am much more comfortable with demo, try before you buy. That's how serious I am. Paying upfront for something may not work, makes me seriously think and doubt. So I am very serious person.
I e-mailed IB about getting data into excel and still waiting...
It's not that obvious and needs some programming knowlege. So far I didn't find any serious code for IB/Excel, mostly claims
send me an email detailing what you want. i don't understand some of your sentences.
I need automate a order entry system, your easyapi is almost there. Please email me and I will let you know what I need
I have a stock trading system that buys break outs, and sells breakdowns enters trades on stop limit orders.
Once in however it takes partial profits and moves stops accordingly.
So my questions are the following:
If use easyapi to enter MSFT Long on a STOP LMT $27.50 can I instruct easyapi to take half the position off at $28 and move the stop loss up at that time?
Does easyapi get info back from TWS such as fills etc..
If not can it be used in conjuction with DDE excel workshet that IB provides? That way I could verify that I was actually filled before sending the order to sell half, and the adjusted stop
Greg's request requires custom programming.
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage > trying to download the demo version, cannot find your email address
I have changed the file link. Please go to the download page. Refresh the page. Then click on the link again.
Will this be able to enter several market orders simultaneously? Say, about 5 orders at the same time? Or do you have to enter them one by one?
if you already have each row set up, then all you need to do is use the arrow key to go to each row and click the button..
Hi Mate
I have a system I have for metatrader which I am after being coded into IB TWS API..
Can I send you an e mail with a basic idea for a quote?
Sure, send an email to easyapi@hushmail.com
I am not familiar with APIs, but wanted to know if there is a possibility to a place bracket orders automatically with only entering a price. The orders then will appear in TWS.
For example:
I want to generate a bracket order for the emini SPX future (ESH7) with predifined parameters (+-6) from an entered price. For ESH7
will be + - 6pts from the entered price (1400).
1) The API will ask me a price for the ESH7
2) I type in 1400
3) the Api generates the follwoing orders:
Buy ESH7 @ 1394.00
Sell ESH7 @ 1396.00 (bracket order)
Sell ESH7 @ 1406.00
Buy ESH7 @ 1404.00 (bracket order)
I do not want the stop loss of the bracket order.Is this possible?
How should I do it with VBA, java? Could someone show me the correct path...
My email:emarco@fibertel.com.ar
i have sent you an email.
Two questions:
1-Is there a way for Easy API to submit orders unattended, without having to sit there in front of the screen all day waiting to press the button that places the order? In other words, can I set up an IF statement in a cell where it will trigger the order if the "live" price of a stock is equal to the trigger price in another cell?
2-How can I email you? I see you have told several people to email you with more details, but I can't find your email address anywhere on your site. I would like to discuss possible customization and am willing to pay for your software and for any extra work you may have to do to customize it, but we need to communicate other than through this blog.
Oops! Sorry, ignore that last point - I just noticed your email address right at the beginning of this page. I will email you about the other stuff.
i am corresponding with him via email.
Does the easy API do autospreader orders. I am interested in a 3 legged spread, Buy 1, sell 1 and sell 1
it does not.
any chance in getting the api to send spread orders
seems to be not much around for the retail
Ken, this requires custom programming. Please contact me at easyapi1@gmail.com.
any chance this will someday support a flat fee-per-transaction broker API? (TD Ameritrade, in particular)
unfortunately, it won't support ameritrade unless there is significant demand for it.
Does this API work with the lastest version of TWS, Excel 2007, and Vista x64
I can make it work. Please email me.
Can Easy API help on doing chart trading at TWS for futures?
Can EasyAPI help on chat trading at TWS for futures
hi are you still selling this API? if so, can you please send me demo version, romy.seth@gmail.com
Hi, I can not download the demo version. Can you send it to me: yichen382@gmail.com
Demo file is not functioning as described. Please send me demo file on "spatil_pmc@yahoo.co.in"
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